מבית השגחה פרטית

חופות חופות

“Chuppot” is part of “Hashgacha Pratit”, an independent rabbinic-halachic organization. Our aim is to provide wedding ceremonies for couples who are interested in a wedding in accordance with Jewish law, yet are forced to get married without the authorization of the Chief Rabbinate – or choose to do so. Our representatives direct and advise each couple while recognizing their unique point of view and taking into account how they envision their wedding ceremony.

Our belief is that every Jewish couple in Israel should be permitted to stand under the chuppa in accordance with the laws of Moses and Israel. Our organization is designed to allow freedom and responsible choices for those who are discriminated against by the Chief Rabbinate, which creates unnecessary, unreasonable and unjustified difficulties for new immigrants, veterans, and converts to Judaism. All our activities are performed with absolute commitment to halacha and within the boundaries of Orthodox Judaism.



“Hashgacha Pratit” is an organization that challenges the monopoly of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel through the provision of private religious services. The organization was established in Jerusalem in 2012 by Rabbi Aaron Leibowitz, and successfully led the struggle to open the kosher food market in Israel to competition. In March 2018, our kashrut division moved to Tzohar Food Supervision, and “Hashgacha Pratit” branched out to focus on weddings independent of the Chief Rabbinate.

Seven Steps to the Chuppa

You have decided to get married

Mazal Tov. You must have made your parents happy!

Contact “Chuppot”

You can contact us through our website, email, Facebook, WhatsApp, by phone or pigeon mail. No faxes thank you.

It’s great to meet you

a video call with a “Chuppot” representative: we’ll explain the various tracks and the legal and halakhic aspects. If you have a special story or issues that need to be made clearer, this is the time to open up.

It's a sign

the prenuptial agreement is signed in the presence of a lawyer, and the bride and groom both sign an affidavit for common-law spouses.

Finding the right person to conduct the chuppa

we find someone (male or female) to conduct your chuppa according to your preferences and needs.

Meet the Rabbi

we go over the ceremony together and suit it to your needs and preferences, within the framework of the halacha.

The ceremony

The rabbi will arrive at the wedding half an hour before the ceremony is due to begin, will ensure that the ketuba is properly written and will then officiate at the ceremony. Mazal Tov!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does your initiative work, and how can we begin the process?

    A detailed answer to the question “How does this all work?” can be found in our Complete Guide for Couples. If what we offer is what you are seeking, your next step is to fill out the digital form “I DO!” that can be found in the menu above, and we’ll be happy to contact you to set up an initial meeting. (This can take place either in our Jerusalem offices or virtually, as you wish.)

  • Is your activity carried out within the framework of halacha?

    Definitely. All the rabbinical activities within the framework of “Chuppot” are according to Halacha and are performed without breaching halachic boundaries. At the same time, halachic discretion is exercised by the rabbis and those conducting the ceremony; they recognize, among other things, the uniqueness of each couple – including how they intend their wedding ceremony to be conducted.

  • Is there really a law that seeks to impose two years' imprisonment on those who marry or officiate at weddings without registration with the Rabbinate?

    Yes. The relevant legal reference appears in Section 7 of the Marriage and Divorce Ordinance, according to which: “Anyone who does not ensure the registration of his marriage or divorce, or of a marriage or divorce he has arranged for another, shall be liable for two years imprisonment.”

  • Will couples be obligated to sign agreements and documents in order to marry through "Chuppot"? If so, why?

    Those who request to hold a chuppa under our auspices will be required to sign a bride-groom’s affidavit (intended to prevent cases of bigamy and ensure eligibility to marry); a pre-nuptial contract for a just and fair marriage (worded by the “Merkaz Tzedek LeNashim” – the Center for Women’s Justice) which is designed to prevent cases of refusal to give a get and of extortion by one of the sides; a condition in the kiddushin (a halakhic tool to prevent aginut in extreme cases); and a commitment to “Chuppot” that if the couple decides on a divorce, they will divorce according to halacha (to prevent cases of mamzerut – illegitimacy). All legal documents will be supplied by “Chuppot” and will be signed in the presence of a lawyer.

  • Will the state authorities recognize marriages under your authority?

    Couples who marry through “Chuppot” can be recognized as “common-law spouses” and will be entitled to most of the rights to which married couples are entitled, but in the meantime they will not be recognized as legally married according to Israeli law.


Try us out


We chose Chuppot because we wanted to get married in a Halachic way but not through the Rabbinate. Chuppot helped us find the right way for us with guidance, support, and quick responses.






A clear and pleasant process, close guidance, and answers to all our questions with a big smile. Rabbi Shama was so pleasant and explained everything to us with great patience. He made sure to tell us what might be problematic for our Haredi family members, and what would probably go smoothly. We received many compliments on the Chuppah!


Highly recommend Chuppot. Thanks to their professionalism and the purpose for which they operate: to honor and reflect Judaism as it should be on a traditional and religious level.


A Chuppah customized to our wishes and aligned with our values. If you’re going for an Orthodox wedding, this is the best option.


The process was pleasant and easy. You receive full protection from Get refusal in case the couple decides, God forbid, to divorce, and also in case one of the parties is not fit to give/ receive a Get.




Officiating Rabbis


of couples sign the Agreement for Preventing Get Refusal and Aginut

אנו, עמותת ‘השגחה פרטית לקידום היהדות בישראל’ (ע”ר ,580614790) מנהלים במסגרת מיזם ‘חופות’ מאגר מידע הדרוש לצורך מתן שירותי חופה וקידושין.
מדיניות פרטיות זו נועדה להסדיר את השימוש שאנו עושים במידע, לפרט מי עוד מקבל גישה למידע שאת/ה מספק/ת, וכיצד ניתן לעיין, לתקן או למחוק מידע. אנא שימו לב כי אין עליכם חובה חוקית לספק מידע זה, אך ללא מסירת המידע, לא נוכל לספק לכם את השירות או לקבל מכם פניות דרך האתר.

לצורך אספקת השירות, אנו נאסוף מידע שאת/ה תספק/י לנו. אנו נשמור מידע אשר יש בו כדי לזהותך אישית. מידע זה הוא שמך המלא, דרכי ההתקשרות עמך הכוללות כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני ומספר הטלפון שלך. כמו כן, נשמור העתק מכל תכתובת שלך.

אנו נמחק מידע מהמאגר רק לאחר שאינו רלוונטי עוד.

אנו משתמשים במידע בראש ובראשונה כדי לספק לך את שירותי החופה והקידושין. בנוסף, אנו נשתמש במידע בצורה שאינה מזהה אישית, באמצעות עיבוד סטטיסטי, לצורך פילוח, טיוב, ויצירת שירותים טובים יותר. 

מעת לעת, וכאשר הדבר נראה לנו רלוונטי, נשלח לך עדכונים במסרון או בדואר אלקטרוני. דיוורים אלה יכולים לכלול מידע על מיזם ‘חופות’, שינויים בחקיקה וכדומה. לעולם לא נמכור את המידע שלך לצדדים שלישיים, ולא נעשה בו כל שימוש לצרכי פרסום, שיווק, או מסחר, אלא בהסכמתך המפורשת.

אם את/ה מרגיש/ה כי פרטיותך נפגעה, הרי שתוכל/י לפנות אלינו בכתב, בדואר אלקטרוני או טלפונית, ואנו נבדוק תלונתך. אנו נטפל בה בתוך 14 ימים מיום קבלתה, ונדווח לך על תוצאות הבדיקה. ככל שהבדיקה לא תספק את רצונך, לא יפגעו זכויותייך על פי דין. 

אנו שומרים לעצמנו את הזכות לעדכן את מדיניות הפרטיות מעת לעת. אולם, עדכון למדיניות הפרטיות בצורה שתאסוף יותר מידע או תשתמש במידע בצורה לה לא נתת את הסכמתך בעת החתימה על מדיניות זו לא תחול רטרואקטיבית, ותדרוש הסכמה מפורשת שלך. מנגד, עדכון במדיניות הפרטיות שיגן על פרטיותך יותר ותצמצם את השימוש במידע שלך לא ידרוש את הסכמתך המפורשת, אלא די יהא בעדכון.

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