Justice must be done - but must also be seen

Want to get married during the Omer? Maybe in the future it will be possible.

Rabbi Chuck Davidson, Chuppots “Head of Halacha”, wrote a responsa in regard to weddings during the Omer season. This was shared on Kippah, a local digital magazine that serves the Orthodox sector in Israel. The link is above, and for those of you who do not know Hebrew we are happy to provide a translation of the main points:

In the shadow of the protests: a 30% jump in applications for the alternative wedding organization

Jewish civil marriage group sees increase in ceremony requests

Civil marriages are on the rise in Israel, and this Israel-based organization has been instrumental in doing so. Chuppot, an organization that provides private religious services and challenges Israel’s Chief Rabbinate, has officially celebrated more than 1,000 weddings conducted.

The organization reported a 30% increase in inquiries to those from last year. Chuppot organizes marriages legally outside of the official rabbinical establishment. Now, couples from across Israel can seek other ways to seek their marriage contract through official methods without jumping through additional hoops.

Chuppot marries 160 couples in its first year

Alternative marriage initiative kicks off

Marriage in Israel - Heart and Soul Gathering

wedding alternative to Chief Rabbinate

An Orthodox Rabbi Breaking The Rabbinate’s Monopoly

Battling Israel’s Marriage Monopoly

Chupa pratit - New orthodox wedding service to be launched

The Orthodox will Defeat the Chief Rabbinate’s Monopoly


Kosher, Non-Rabbinate Chuppa

מרד החופות

הרבנים והרבניות של חופות

הרבנים האמיצים

בדרך לחתונה - עוקפים את הרבנות

בדרך לחתונה לא עוצרים ברבנות

מיזם חתונות פרטי יתחרה ברבנות הראשית

אחרי הכשרות - נישואים דתיים אלטרנטיביים: לא נרתעים ממאסר

Новый удар по монополии Главного раввината

אקזיט כשרותי: "השגחה פרטית" התאחד עם "צהר"

Want to get married during the Omer? Maybe in the future it will be possible.

Rabbi Chuck Davidson, Chuppots “Head of Halacha”, wrote a responsa in regard to weddings during the Omer season. This was shared on Kippah, a local digital magazine that serves the Orthodox sector in Israel. The link is above, and for those of you who do not know Hebrew we are happy to provide a translation of the main points:

In the shadow of the protests: a 30% jump in applications for the alternative wedding organization

Jewish civil marriage group sees increase in ceremony requests

Civil marriages are on the rise in Israel, and this Israel-based organization has been instrumental in doing so. Chuppot, an organization that provides private religious services and challenges Israel’s Chief Rabbinate, has officially celebrated more than 1,000 weddings conducted.

The organization reported a 30% increase in inquiries to those from last year. Chuppot organizes marriages legally outside of the official rabbinical establishment. Now, couples from across Israel can seek other ways to seek their marriage contract through official methods without jumping through additional hoops.

Chuppot marries 160 couples in its first year

Alternative marriage initiative kicks off

Marriage in Israel - Heart and Soul Gathering

wedding alternative to Chief Rabbinate

An Orthodox Rabbi Breaking The Rabbinate’s Monopoly

Battling Israel’s Marriage Monopoly

Chupa pratit - New orthodox wedding service to be launched

The Orthodox will Defeat the Chief Rabbinate’s Monopoly


Kosher, Non-Rabbinate Chuppa

מרד החופות

הרבנים והרבניות של חופות

הרבנים האמיצים

בדרך לחתונה - עוקפים את הרבנות

בדרך לחתונה לא עוצרים ברבנות

מיזם חתונות פרטי יתחרה ברבנות הראשית

אחרי הכשרות - נישואים דתיים אלטרנטיביים: לא נרתעים ממאסר

Новый удар по монополии Главного раввината

אקזיט כשרותי: "השגחה פרטית" התאחד עם "צהר"